eBooks - Booklets - eVideo
Steven Turek - Coaches Media
Since 2016, Steven has been sharing his knowledge, experiences, and ideas in attractive formats for coaches. What started as a booklet quickly evolved into two complete series available as eBooks or booklets, all with the aim of enhancing team development. Whether it's specialized topics like gegenpressing or assistance in finding the right playing philosophy, there's something for everyone with us!
We offer all our products not only in physical form but also as e-products! With our eBooks and e-videos, you gain direct access to all the information!
Nothing beats a good book! Are you a little old-school? We are too! Do you prefer having something tangible in your hands? We'd be happy to send you our booklets!
Tactics - Principles - Drills
German Top Level Tactics
In this series, Steven focuses specifically on a tactical theme and guides you through a detailed analysis of principles and game solutions. Afterwards, he translates these insights and principles into engaging training and playing formats that will help you improve your skills!

"This book helps structure and capture long-term training planning based on a game idea. It's less about 'what should we do in today's training?' and more about 'how do we want to play?'"

"Excellent publication. Useful solutions on the topic, with training formats explained and illustrated in a clear manner."

Drills - Coaching - Inspiration
German Training Concepts
In his second series of publications, everything revolves around practical implementation on the field. Steven not only offers numerous game formats with interesting variations but also covers all other essential topics related to training and coaching. He delves into the combination of game formats and fundamental learning principles. With a booklet from this series, you are well-equipped for numerous diverse training sessions!
All of our eBooks
Tactics precisely explained through moving images and vivid narration! From tactical game situations to discussing game formats!
Direct transfer into practice! With our practical seminars, you can apply content, detailed coaching, and ideas directly on the field!
From Tactics to Drills in all Detail!
eVideo Seminars
In our tactical and practical eSeminars, you'll experience a live presentation with an interactive nature. Here, you can pause, rewind, and learn at your own pace. Steven combines tactical topics with field-proven training ideas to optimize your development!

What we can do for you!

For your Team
Our media is specifically tailored to coaches who actively seek to enhance their team's performance. Therefore, our content is designed in a way that allows it to be directly implemented on the field.

Beginner to Pro
We cover each topic comprehensively from the beginning, ensuring that both inexperienced and experienced coaches can benefit from it. We delve into every detail to guarantee that everyone gains the best insights and inspiration!

Our products are enriched with quotes, additional content, and practical tips to provide significant added value for attractive training design! This way, we support coaches in elevating their training to a new level.